The article deals with the analysis of visual and language means of the NATURE concept representation in the worldview of W. Blake, one of the most famous pre-Romanticism poets in England. The time of W. Blake’s creative work was connected with the spread of empirical view on the universe, philosophical perception of nature as mechanistic. The artists of that period formed their own concept of nature. W. Blake, who had anti-Christian sentiment, referred to nature as a certain universe trying to find answers to existential questions, still the world of nature in the poet’s worldview is connected with Biblical motives and is extremely spiritualized. Though some researchers consider W. Blake to be “nature’s poetic adversary”.
In “Songs of Innocence” W. Blake embodies the divinity of nature in an idyllic, joyful and harmonious world, where a pastoral mood prevails, and many images of this cycle are symbols of the only defender – God. The philosophy of the cycle “Songs of Experience” is opposite in many ways: worldly reality becomes the centre, although W. Blake still believes in the generosity of nature, he considers people to be unjust using its blessing.
The verbal representation of the concept NATURE in W. Blake’s worldview is carried out in different ways: directly (through the names of natural objects – names of topographic objects, nature phenomena, plants, animals, etc.) and indirectly through metaphors. Perceptual images that appeal to different modalities (visual, auditory, tactile) contribute to the effective and holistic representation of the concepts.
The article substantiates the pivotal role of antithetic principle in W. Blake’s modelling of the world and symbiosis of language and visual components. The antithetic principle reveals itself in contrasting heaven and earth, harmonious natural world and world of civilization, good attitude of nature to people and its hostility. Language and visual components enter into various types of semantic interaction, create a coherent unity and intensify demonstration of the author’s intention – opposition of natural world and space distorted by people.
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