Keywords: syncretism, quantative words, hypothesis, synergetics


The article in question deals with the English quantitative units, i.e. numerals, numeric words, on the one hand, and dimension units – words of weight and measure, on the other hand. This object is dealt with in the endozones of language, speech and speech behaviour. The aim of investigation consists in identification of the markers of systematic arrangement of the paradigm – its selforganization and evolution: verification of hypotheses that: - bilateral and syncretic aspects of words go together; − incorporated subject matter, energy and information of syncretas make the triad go; − ontognosiological method is at work. Topicality of the theme is objectivized by the growing interest to the problem by scientists of this country and abroad. This is a new scientific paradigm (synergetics), let alone many a lacunar item within its domain. Valour scenes remain undiscovered yet and await their solution in terms of major ideas and categories. Lacunarity is indebted to the process of cognition, cognized and non-cognized phenomena. The choice of complex ontognosiological approach is determined by the nature of referents. Missing items come into being due to the problem of nothingness. The syncretas come archaic due to losses in the vocabulary or fall out of concepts. Some words are prohibited by taboo. Some syncretas work in the speech behaviour (silence, hesitation, pauses).


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How to Cite
SHVACHKO, S. O. (2017). SYNCRETISM OF QUANTITATIVE UNITS: ENGLISH NUMERALS. New Philology, (69), 226-234. Retrieved from