• A. F. Abdullaieva
  • S. V. Baranova
Keywords: culturological approach to translation, forenization, domestication, occasionalism, erative, non-equivalent vocabulary, lacuna


The article considers the culturological approach to translation in the context of the theory of “cultural turn” as an actual direction of development of literary translation. The history of the origin and essence of the “cultural revolution” is determined, which is predicted to become decisive for translation studies in the new century. It is found out that today translation is increasingly seen not only as a linguistic phenomenon, but also as a cultural one. The multifaceted culturological approach to literary translation is caused by a shift in emphasis in the understanding of the text, which began to be considered not only as a source of linguistic data, but also as a basic unit of communication, individual linguistic realization of the language system. The article also clarifies the practical aspects of applying a culturological approach to the translation of such complexities of literary text translation as non-equivalent vocabulary, culturally specific realities and lacunas, proper names, occasionalisms and eratives. In particular, the article considers the translation strategies of forenization and domestication as the leading approaches to the reproduction of culturally conditioned elements of the English literary text in the Ukrainian language. It is found out that the expediency of using one of these translation strategies is influenced by the peculiarities of the text of the literary work, as well as the level of national-specific colouring of the work. The domestication strategy is used relatively less frequently than the forenization strategy and requires a higher level of background knowledge, skill and creativity from the translator. It is determined that the issue of cultural adaptation of source texts to the realities of the culture of the target language, which is envisaged in the context of the strategy of domestication, remains ambiguous today and causes a lot of discussion in translation circles. The article raises the question of the need to generalize modern approaches to the use of domestication as a strategy for translating non-equivalent units of English-language literary discourse.


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How to Cite
Abdullaieva, A. F., & Baranova, S. V. (2020). “CULTURAL TURN” AS A CURRENT DIRECTION OF THE LITERARY TRANSLATION DEVELOPMENT. New Philology, 1(80), 9-13. https://doi.org/10.26661/2414-1135-2020-80-1-1