Borrowings from foreign language vocabulary exist because of contact between languages and it is characteristic for all languages. The process of borrowing English lexemes in Ukrainian language in last decade is going very actively. This article is about specifics of interactions of English and Ukrainian languages. The article investigates specific characteristics of the English influence on Ukrainian in three different situations: 1) English borrowings in Ukrainian during soviet time; 2) modern (last decades) intensification of the contact; 3) the case of the Ukrainian in immigrant community USA and Canada and localization of languages in contact. Also is mentioned, that borrowings from English are incorporated in Ukrainian lexicon later than borrowings from another languages (turkic, Dutch, French, etc.) From the end of XX century up till today English language is giving the main part of borrowings to Ukrainian vocabulary. Anglicisms, which are incorporated in Ukrainian language in this period, are from different semantic groups: computer technologies, economics, culture, socio-political life, science, technology, sport, transport, clothes, and food. Also in this article is mentioned, that the main part of English borrowings are nouns. But anglicisms in Ukrainian language are actively incorporated in word formation and generates another parts of speech (there are examples of generates this way of verbs and adjectives). On the lexical level interaction with English is manifested not only by the borrowings of new words. In this article is also studied changes of meanings of words in Ukrainian language. Also is traced specifics of interaction of Ukrainian and English in speeches of Ukrainian emigrants in USA and Canada. English-Ukrainian language contact, which was in XX century in society of Ukrainian emigrants in USA and Canada had another formation. The main difference is integration on all language levels, not only on lexical one. But lexical interference with this type of interaction is the most important, but its formation is changed. In this article is also proven, that formation of languages contact is defined by 2 main not languages significations: 1) the location of language communities which are interacting 2) sociolinguistic situation of contact (ideology of community, development of public institutes).
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3. Дьолог О.С. Англомовні запозичення в сучасній українській економічній термінології. Закарпатські філологічні студії. Ужгород, 2019. Випуск 8. Том 1. С. 12–17.