• Yu. V. Tehlivets
  • S. Z. Bulyk-Verkhola
Keywords: terminology, antonyms, antonymic pair, multicomponent model, prefix


The antonymy phenomenon causes the existence of paired notions in the scientific-technical terminology. The antonymic relations in terminology mean the relation of two meanings that are expressed by different terms and render the essential characteristics of the opposite varietal notions in regard to one generic. The purpose of this article is analyzing the antonymy phenomena in the compound names with the seme ‘water’. The relevance of this research has been caused by the absence of this subject systematic elaboration and the necessity to observe how the separate differential semes influence the change of notions in the compound names. The same-root antonyms have been discovered among the components of the compound names with the seme ‘water’. These antonymic pairs acquire the opposite meaning owing to the prefixes. The opposite meaning is expressed by: 1) alteration of the prefix and its absence; 2) usage of prefixes with the polar meaning; 3) usage of prepositions with the opposite meaning; 4) preposition presence in the structure of one compound name. The characteristic phenomenon of the compound names with the seme ‘water’ is the addition of the Ukrainian prefix both to the national generatrix basis and to the international ones; the prefix borrowed from another language is added only to the international one. The attributive components of the compound names with the seme ‘water’ are perceived as different root components when they are expressed by the different root lexemes. Among the analyzed terms – word combinations the different root antonyms opposed on the basis of the following semes were discovered: ‘temperature’, ‘location’, ‘condition’ etc. From the structural point of view the two-component models prevail among the terms-antonyms with the seme ‘water’. The multi-component models are rare. Thus, antonyms in the terminology contributes to deeper penetration into the essence of the opposed notions that provides the possibility of the coherent and systematic perception of the scientific information.


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How to Cite
Tehlivets, Y. V., & Bulyk-Verkhola, S. Z. (2020). THE ANTONYMY PECULIARITIES OF THE COMPOUND NAMES WITH THE SEME ‘WATER’. New Philology, 2(80), 285-289.