Keywords: compound name, onomasiology, onomasiological base, onomasiological sign, term


In any language, the emergence of new names occurs mostly according to certain models. From the point of view of onomasiology, all semantic derivatives are the result of a secondary nomination, as a new object of nomination is added to the outer shell of the lexeme. The nomination process shows how a certain experience regarding the fragments of the picture of the world has been formed in the human mind. Onomasiological research is directed from the concept to the word, when one concept is connected with several words. The study of language in the onomasiological aspect will help to clarify the specifics of the linguistic picture of the world, new ethnolinguistic issues. For the onomasiological approach, the way in which a word is fixed on a certain essence is characteristic. The conceptual class is included in the onomasiological structure as signified (onomasiological basis), and the sign – as signifying (onomasiological sign). The relevance of the study is that onomasiological analysis is closely related to word-formation, and the creation of compound names is closely related to their structure. The onomasiological base fixes the belonging of the term to the class of objects, signs, actions, and the onomasiological sign specifies, concretizes the onomasiological base. The purpose of the article: to identify the features of the onomasiological base in two-component compound names with the seme “water” based on the analysis of the most productive models. Among the analyzed terms the following models have been revealed: 1. Noun + adjective. In this model, the onomasiological sign is represented by: a) general scientific term (water hygiene, river basin,); b) a general technical term (steam phase, water radiator); c) a commonly used lexeme (river pattern, water shirt). 2. The model noun + noun can have: a) non-prepositional construction: fluid motion, water sample, water flow; b) prepositional construction: migration with water, quenching in water, reflection from rain. Onomasiological study of language material allows establishing the reasons for naming special concepts by commonly used signs. The ordering of the extralingual content according to the methods of naming takes place with the help of the so-called onomasiological categories, which form the basis of the name.


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How to Cite
Tehlivets, Y. V., & Tehlivets, O. V. (2021). FEATURES OF ONOMASIOLOGICAL BASE OF TWO-COMPONENT COMPOUND NAMES WITH THE SEME “WATER”. New Philology, 2(81), 143-147. https://doi.org/10.26661/2414-1135-2021-81-2-21