Keywords: illocutionary intention, reprezentatives, directives, promises, expressives


The article presents a pragmalinguistic analysis of statements of generalized content. Studies of the functioning of generalized content sentences in speech and conclusions about the communicative approach of generalization outline ideas about the multifunctionality of generalized statements and the variability of their pragmalinguistic status. Forming a speech act, the speaker uses statements of generalized content, in order to accomplish his communicative intention to perform an important communicative task. Expressions of generalized content show a tendency to function as indirect speech acts. At the same time, they implement the same illocutionary intentions as the basic acts in the structure of complex ones. In other words, sentences of generalized content are formed by classes of indirect representative, directive and expressive speech acts. The use of statements of generalized content as a means of indirect communication is determined by the peculiarities of the pragmatic situation, which can be specified as previous communicative failures of the addressee, specifics of interlocutors, desire to mitigate communicative intentions, unwillingness to take responsibility for their actions. It is concluded that the indirect use of statements of generalized content in the role of representatives provides certain communicative effects. For representatives it is: a) the effect of complacency; b) expression of the speech portrait of the speaker; c) suppression of influence on theinterlocutor; d) lowering the emotional tension of the interlocutor, e) showing kindness and affection to the interlocutor. For directives: a) politeness; b) minimization of interference in the private sphere of the interlocutor; c) impersonalization; d) concealing a false communicative task. For expressives: a) impartial attitude to the interlocutor; b) humorous effect; c) the pragmatic effect of provocation. Indirect use of statements of generalized content as promises is marked by the effect of persuasiveness.


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How to Cite
Yurchyshyn, T. V., & Stetsko, I. I. (2021). STATEMENTS OF GENERALIZED CONTENT AS INDIRECT SPEECH ACTS. New Philology, 2(81), 228-234.