Keywords: phraseological unit, anthropogenic, naturogenic, expression plan, content plan, technical component


The article is devoted to the identification of the basic theoretical aspects of the existence and functioning of technonyms in the phraseology of modern English. The correlation between the lexical (expression plan) and semantic (content plan) basis of phraseological units is analyzed. A brief classification by lexical and semantic basis of phraseologisms with the componenttechonym is also given. The systematization of phraseologisms with technical component makes it possible to outline the limits of the potential volume of units that form a given class of onyms. In order to establish the fact of unit belonging to the phraseologisms with technical component, it should be assumed that in its composition an element of technical orientation is to be identified. To determine belonging of phraseological unit to a group of technonyms, it is necessary to rely on the direct meaning of the component that is relevant to the production activity or is the result of production. The distinguished technical component is characterized from the following points: whether it is a device or mechanism, tool or material, whether it reflects any technical action or is its result. It should also be remembered that any phraseological unit is a unity of two aspects: a content plan and an expression plan. The lexical basis of technonyms in phraseologism is represented by the component that forms the technical image of a stable construction. It can be represented by the following thematic groups: mechanisms and structures, tools and materials. The semantic basis is that the desemanticized technical component forms an image with other components and is decisively involved in the formation of the whole meaning of the unit. Therefore, this type of systematization is built on the basis of the vocabulary meaning of phraseological units. Thus, based on the study, we can say that phraseologisms with technical component can be classified on a lexical or semantic basis, each of which has two thematic categories, namely: mechanisms and structures, tools and materials, type and use of matter, behavior and the state of matter.


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How to Cite
Dosanova, A. R., & Kuznetsova, I. V. (2021). TECHNONYMS IN THE PHRASEOLOGICAL SYSTEM OF MODERN ENGLISH LANGUAGE. New Philology, (82), 69-73.