The paper provides rationale for the verbal-and-graphic model of the mechanism of perception of a public figure’s charismatic characteristics by the audience. To fulfill the research aim, the author provides a generalized classification of personal traits of formal and informal charismatic public leaders. In the course of theoretical research, there has arisen the need to form optimal terminological instrumentarium, suitable for a complete comprehensive and conclusive scientific description of the phenomenon of charismatic public figures’ communicative behaviour and the mechanism of perception of a public figure’s charismatic characteristics by the audience. As a result of the analysis of charismatic communication features described by the authors from various areas of science (psychology, sociology, linguistics), the paper provides their division into principal features as well as the means of communicative purpose actualization. In order to create the abovementioned model, personal characteristics of a speaker, audience members and communication conditions, able to influence the perception of charismatic characteristics, have been systematized. To avoid a broad definition of charisma, the author offers their own definition of the phenomenon, serving the purpose of this interdisciplinary research. The article presents a verbal-and-graphic model of the mechanism of perception of a public figure’s charismatic characteristics by the audience, developed on the basis of the Klymenyuk’s pyramid of the person’s spiritual being. The model presents the abovementioned mechanism as an interaction of two systems (a charismatic speaker and a recipient with a certain cultural level) in a specific environment (specific communication conditions). This model substantiates the process of choosing optimal verbal and non-verbal means of communication to exert charismatic influence on a recipient to the maximum extent. The author also outlines prospects of a further use of the model in interdisciplinary research of a leader speaker’s subliminal influence on the audience.
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