Occupational safety is a discipline based on both general sciences (physics, chemistry) and specialized disciplines (electrical engineering, fire safety, industrial sanitation). That is why the terminological system of labor protection is diverse. Occupational safety terminology is relatively young and is in a state of the search for the most optimal ways of termination. That is why the problems of its translation are relevant.
We have found that these terms are usually translated into English in the following ways: by the lexical equivalent, analogs, loan-translation, transliteration. The prevalence of grammar transformations among the other ones is explained by the fact that English and Ukrainian languages belong to different types of languages. Many of the Ukrainian-language terms formed by the compounding are two-component terms in the target language: fire resistance, working capacity, fire safety.
Structural analysis has shown that a large group of occupational safety terms are multi-component terms. A tendency is to use multi-component terms more often because it is possible to reflect necessary and sufficient indications and features of some given objects and phenomena more completely and accurately by means of these terms. The syntax relationship of words in these terms is government, in the source language, it is through a prepositional, in the target language it is a non-prepositional bond.
The group of multi-component terms causes the greatest difficulties in the translation process. The difficulty is that the components of the phrase and the relationship between them may be differentin the source and target languages. We have examined the peculiarities of the translation of these multi-component terms. The main word of the multi-component term is in the last position in the target language, and all the dependent components are located to the left of it. This fact should be taken into account when translating because in the source language the components are located to the right of the main word in the multi-component terms.
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