The article examines issues related to the role and place of evaluation in the semantic structure of a word. Special attention is paid to the connection of evaluation and emotions, to the selection of types of evaluation: rational, emotional, and emotional-rational. Evaluation acts as an integral component of cognition, which is based on a valuable approach to the phenomena of nature and society. Assessment is always cognitive in its nature, and therefore logical and objective. Evaluative and epistemological functions of language are closely interrelated. The cognitive process of evaluation, included in the general program of human activity, is oriented towards decision-making and is the basis of the choice of practical actions. The evaluative definitions of words record the aesthetic experience of the individual. The question of evaluative vocabulary directly affects such important problems as language and society, language and speech, language functions. Marked words are especially relevant for pragmatic purposes. All words that contain evaluation can be classified into mental-evaluative and emotional-evaluative. Cognitive evaluation of activity results is the leading component of the structure of emotions, which reflects the main thing in the general reaction. Evaluation parameters and emotions in the semantics of language units can be combined: intersect, layer on top of each other. So, this can be a compromise solution to the issue of the rational and emotional in language, which allows us to distinguish the following types of evaluation: rational, emotional, and emotional-rational. The study of the stylistic meaning of the word is also important due to the fact that we consider all lexical units primarily in the communicative and pragmatic aspect. All stylistically colored words have numerous shades, which are determined by one or another attitude of the speaker (subject) to the phenomenon or object of reality. The evaluative component, combined with the emotional component, reflects the national and cultural characteristics of the subject of evaluation, which are implemented primarily through the evaluative vocabulary. The variety of types of evaluative meaning that structure the semantics of lexical units reproduces the multifaceted value perception of the surrounding reality, the complex interaction of evaluative and emotional parameters of the cognitive process.
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