The article presents the meaning of the concept of a sentence of generalized content, taking into account the achievements of modern linguistics, in particular, multi-aspect analysis of syntactic units. The communicativepragmatic approach takes into account lingual and extralingual factors. In the context of extralingual factors, the creation of generalized content in the sentence structure correlates with the rules of the communication process in which certain principles have developed. Thus, the authors have analyzed the statements of generalized content focusing on communicative laws. The material for the research are Ukrainian and Polish statements of generalized content, obtained by sampling from prose and dramatic works of Ukrainian and Polish writers. The authors mention important laws of communication, namely: the law of mirror development of communication, the law of trust in clear statements, the law of emotional suppression of logic, the law of emotional affiliation, the law of dependence of communication efficiency on communicative efforts, the law of communicative self-preservation. It is noted that the functioning of sentences of generalized content is determined by three communicative laws, which are specified as the law of trust in clear statements (well-known sentences are the effective means of speech influence), the law of dependence of communication efficiency on communicative efforts (usually statements of generalized content are used with other utterances to achieve communicative success, strengthen their speech influence on the listener) and the law of speech self-preservation (verbal implementation of an idea or emotion based on background indisputable truths forms this idea or emotion in the speaker). It is concluded that the communicative-pragmatic approach to the analysis of generalized constructions opens up perspectives for the study of identifying congruities of functioning of these statements in different speech genres and types of discourse.
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