Keywords: vocabulary, morphological word formation, affixation, blending, conversion.


Language is constantly developing its internal and external resources, adapting to ever changing circumstances of social, cultural, political and scientific life, generating new forms, improving its expressive means and devices through their structural complication or simplification. Language is one of those spheres of human activity that are the first to bring reaction to social and other kinds of changes in human life and activities. The article is devoted to analysis of morphological processes of English neologisms in the field of information technology. The relevance of the study of innovative vocabulary is due to its large number and frequency of its use. The article describes the theoretical aspects of morphological word formation, reveals scientific approaches to different ways of morphological word formation in the research of domestic and foreign linguists. Scientific research has clarified the origins of neologisms in the field of information technology and ways to create them in English. The material of the study was 436 English neologisms in the field of information technology selected by the method of continuous sampling from such dictionaries as The Word Spy, The Urban Dictionary, The Cambridge Dictionary, The Merriam-Webster Dictionary. The analysis of the new vocabulary in the field of information technology showed that this terminology is one of the most active due to the large number of new words supplementing the vocabulary of the English language. The results of morphological analysis showed that most IT neologisms are formed by word formation. The activity of the prefix word-forming model is also observed, in particular, the prefix cyber- is especially relevant. The studied lexical neologisms of the English language were created by word formation (47.48%), prefixation (11.97%), suffixation (8.72%), blending (9.63%), abbreviation (10.78%), truncation (9.63%), and conversions (1.79%).


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How to Cite
Tymoshchuk, N. M. (2023). ENGLISH NEOLOGISMS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: WORD-FORMATION ASPECT. New Philology, (89), 228-233. https://doi.org/10.26661/2414-1135-2023-89-33