The article presents the key textual category of the poetics of spontaneity – the time category. The purpose of the study is to determine the main dimensions of the time category in the poetics of spontaneity. The set goal involves the following tasks: to determine the anthropogenicity of time category in the poetics of spontaneity; to present the main angles of implementation of the time category; outline the understanding of time as a principle of creation in the poetics of spontaneity. The object of the study is the time category in literature, and the subject of the study is the diversity of the implementation of the time category in texts representing the poetics of spontaneity. Temporality is considered from the aesthetic and philosophical positions of the phenomenology of Martin Heidegger and Emil Steiger, as well as the "field theory" of Charles Olson. As a result of the analysis of the phenomenological concept of creativity, it becomes obvious that time becomes an existentially meaningful rhythmic design of the spirit of creation. Such an anthropological understanding of the time category is fundamental for the poetics of spontaneity, which is based on the movement of creative energy, not subject to conventional interval abstractions. The dialectic of the temporal category in different aesthetic eras was not linear. Namely, the concept of tragic eternity in the poetics of romanticism is gradually replaced by the linear chronology of realism, acquires a mixed character of cyclicity in the modernist era and indefinite duration in the artistic texts of the present. In works of art representing the poetics of spontaneity, the textual category of time is characterized by heterogeneity (combination of several types of time in the work) and heterochrony (different time, change of time and pace of presentation, unevenness). For a comprehensive understanding of the temporal category in the poetics of spontaneity, the main angles of consideration are defined: 1) time as the object of the image in the work, chronotope; 2) time as a narrative form; 3) lingual and paralingual means of representing the text category of time; 4) time as a principle of creation (spontaneous writing as a record of time). Among the linguistic means of representing the time category in the poetics of spontaneity, we define polyrhythm, which manifests the intersubjective nature of time – the coordination of the internal subjective reality, that is, personal rhythms and tempos, with external processes, that is, the surrounding world.
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