Keywords: grammatical transformations, lexicalgrammatical transformations, lexical transformations, pragmatic potential, philosophical text.


The article is devoted to the problems of translating German-language philosophical texts into Ukrainian. The texts with a special focus, which include philosophical texts, are among the examples that carry social significance. The daily need not only to accumulate socially significant information, but also to be able to convey it competently to the recipient makes the study of these problems relevant today. The very problem of translating texts on philosophical topics gives grounds for solving the theoretical problems of comparativism, such as the establishment of interlingual correspondences, problems of translation of terms in their interlingual harmonization. The object of the study are German-language texts of philosophical content, and the subject – the peculiarities of translation of German-language texts of philosophical topics into Ukrainian. In the process of research were mainly used semantic analysis, comparative and comparative-translation methods, as well as the method of continuous sampling, the method of transformation and others. The original philosophical works "The Critique of Pure Reason" by I. Kant and "Being and Time" by M. Heidegger were used as the research material. The authors of this article identify lexical and grammatical features within the philosophical literature that significantly affect the outcome and course of the translation process. Terminology plays a particularly important role in this process. As an example, an analysis of the text "Being and Time" by M. Heidegger is given. In the process of research it was found that the main problem of translation of M. Heidegger's texts is the concept of "Dasein" and the combined terms used by the philosopher: such expressions as "Zu-sein", "Weg-sein", "Mit-sein", simply "Sein" and even "Sein des Dasein". Analyzing І. Kant's "The Critique of Pure Reason", the authors of the article came to the conclusion that such transformations as lexical, grammatical and lexical-grammatical are suitable for translation of his text; they do not contribute to discerning the work by recipients, and, therefore, in no way affect the pragmatic value of the translati on.


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How to Cite
Redchyts, T. V., & Bahach, I. H. (2023). PROBLEMS OF TRANSLATION OF PHILOSOPHICAL TEXTS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF GERMAN). New Philology, (90), 89-93.