The article deals with various scientific concepts concerning the interpretation of the concept of "presupposition". Various approaches to classification of presuppositions concerning the content of speech acts and their participants were investigated. The role of presupposition in finding of implicit meanings was explained. The problem of latent meanings in acts of verbal communication has become the subject of active interdisciplinary research, because implicit information is one of the most important elements of understanding the semantic structure of the text.
Presupposition is a concept that came from logic and became very popular in linguistic research. Presuppositions play an important role in the production and perception of the statement in communicative and pragmatic way. Scientists don`t have the common opinion about the definition of this phenomenon. Presupposition is perceived as a true statement in the sentence, which is confirmed by other information, presuppositions refer to knowledge which the linguists and the listener do not confirm explicitly in the speech act but provide as a preliminary experience known to both sides of communication. The concept of presupposition is used in the analysis of statements with implicitly expressed meanings. One of the important properties of presupposition is the saving of information during converting a sentence to a negative or interrogative one. Presupposition helps to the compression of the statement.
Most scientists agree that presupposition is a component of the text meaning that has no verbal expression, contains "background knowledge" known to participants of the speech act and omitted without injury to the adequate perception of the statements. Consequently, sentences with presuppositions are formally fragmentary, since they do not carry the verbal expression of previous experience in their structure, but they are perceived as actually and informally completed due to the general knowledge fund of the communicative act participants.
Presuppositions favour to the laconic nature of the text and information, help save time and effort, and avoid any known or excessive information. With the help of presupposition we have the opportunity to identify not only explicitly expressed information, but also implicit evaluations, expressions in the discourse. Despite the fact that the research of implicit meanings, in particular, presupposition, began in the late nineteenth century, a number of controversial theoretical questions, in particular the definition and differentiation of implicit components of expression and the text, and the typology of presupposition values, still require scientific reflection.
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