The article is devoted to the issue of the artistic representation of European values in the novel of the famous British writer of the 20th century Terry Pratchett «Feet of Clay» by Terry Pratchett. It is noted that currently the axiological method is popular in various fields of social and humanitarian research, and the problem of reflecting the system of European values in fiction deserves special attention. It is indicated that the fantasy of Terry Pratchett (a cycle of works about the Discworld) causes a thoughtful reader to associate with the realities of reality. Depicting a fictional world inhabited by fairy-tale and mythological creatures, the British wordsmith depicts such negative social phenomena as social and gender bias, inequality of people before the law, etc. At the same time, the author of the novel «Feet of Clay» approves and contrasts them with value orientations that are consistent with those that form the value concept of the European Union. It is about social and gender equality, about the equality of all before the law, about respect for a person and his right to freedom of expression, etc. The bearers and exponents of these values are the characters whom the writer clearly sympathizes with: these are the guards of Ankh-Morpork, who join the fight against the forces of evil (Commander Vimes, Captain Carrot, Constable Angva, forensic expert Smishinka). Through their thoughts, speeches and behavior, ideas are represented that contribute to the awareness of worldview coordinates related to European values. The Guardians stand against society, trying in different ways to assert the right of everyone to be themselves and to have the right to legal protection. With the help of antithesis as a compositional technique, Terry Pratchett demonstrates the importance of fighting against social defects for the victory of the ideals of equality, law and freedom. In the novel “Feet of Clay”, the artistic representation of European values is carried out implicitly: the narrator does not impose his own point of view on the potential recipient, but only pushes him to certain conclusions based on what is depicted. The victory of the bearers of European values in the work over enemies and life circumstances contributes to conclusions about the correctness of their beliefs and allows us to assert the relevance of Terry Pratchett’s fantasy ideas for the 21st century.
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