The paper examines the interconnection of the context and the evaluative utterance. Evaluative interpretation of circumstances, subjects, things, and phenomena of reality is one of the most important types of mental-speech activity in everyday life of an individual. Three types of interrelation between the context and evaluative utterance can be established: 1) the context influences the evaluative utterance, changing the character of the evaluation; 2) the evaluative utterance affects the context by adding the evaluative component to its structure; 3) the mutual influence of the evaluated utterance and context. Special attention is paid to the variants of connection between the context and evaluative utterance that can be distinguished within the above mentioned types. It is stressed that pragmatic analysis is of great significance in the interpretation and explanation of the mark of evaluation of the utterance. The present article demonstrates the importance of different semasiological and syntactic expressive means and stylistic devices in the process of intensification of the evaluative effect (positive or negative). The results obtained confirm the idea that the correlation between the evaluative utterance and context helps to understand encoded in the evaluative utterances presuppositions of the communication that is the speaker's communicative intentions associated with his epistemic state.
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