The article is devoted to identifying the peculiarities of the implementation of communicative strategies and tactics in the Spanish-language gastronomic discourse. The choice of gastronomic discourse as an object of research is due to the fact that nutrition occupies an extremely important place in human life not only from a biological point of view, but also as a specific element of culture. Particular attention has been paid to strategies of engagement, building trust, promising pleasure, appealing to family values and national identity, as well as tactics of visualization and prompting action. The study focuses on the genres of gastronomic discourse, such as culinary advertisements, recipes, menus, blogs, gastronomic travel guides and restaurant websites. The article analyzes how these genres are thematically and lexically interconnected, forming a linguistic system based on specific communicative strategies and tactics. The main material for the research consists of the texts of culinary recipes, internet pages of restaurants, culinary blogs and guidebooks of gastronomic establishments, which demonstrate how food becomes an element of communication. Communication in the gastronomic context not only reflects cultural characteristics, but also serves as a tool to achieve certain goals. The study identifies the main strategies and tactics used in gastronomic discourse, which depend on many extralingual factors, such as the purpose of communication, the status of the participants and the specific context. Particular attention is given to strategies of engagement, building trust, promising pleasure, appealing to family values and national identity, as well as tactics of visualization and prompting action. The study analyzes how gastronomic discourse adapts to media formats and becomes a powerful tool for influencing the audience. The results show the importance of strategies and tactics in creating trusting relationships with clients and active interaction with the audience. Thus, gastronomic discourse emerges as an important element of social and cultural exchange, which opens perspectives for further research in this field.
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