The article is devoted to the analysis of the evaluation as a linguistic category. The article presents modern definitions concerning the interpretation of the evaluation category. In modern linguistics, evaluation is viewed as a means of expressing information about an object, the value of certain objects and events in terms of their agreement with certain interests, requirements, preferences of the speaker, and a way of representation its value relation. The evaluation is objective-subjective, and therefore it realizes subjective conceptions about the objective world or events and depends on the author of the speech, his ideas about the value of the object, social norms, tastes, interests, feelings, etc.
Language evaluation has its own structure, the main elements of which is the subject, which acts as a person or socium, an object, that is a person, object or event of objective reality, and an estimated predicate (own estimation). The secondary elements include the basis of the evaluation, the evaluation scale and the evaluated stereotype.
The article analyzed the parameters of the evaluation, its features and the essential characteristics, which mean that the evaluation is a consequence of comprehension and reflection of reality through the prism of its perception by man. The evaluation has a wide linguistic content; therefore, it is implemented through a variety of linguistic means.
A large number and many-sidedness of approaches to the study and interpretation of the linguistic category of evaluation give rise to certain features that have become the basis of the typological classifications of the evaluation. Evaluations are classified into absolute and comparative, rational and emotional, as well as depending on the relationship between the subject and the object of evaluation.
The category of evaluation, appearing at all levels of the language, gives grounds to affirm that the evaluation as a category has its own cognitive-discursive potential. At the same time, the cognitive-discursive potential of evaluation is explained as an arsenal of means for its realization, which is quite diverse: from lexical to discourse. Expression forms of evaluation are different in space and time; they range from explicit to implicit.
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