This article deals with the problem of development of culinary vocabulary in Modern English as a result of neologisms creation.
The term “neologism” has been determined and the differential characteristics of neologisms and occasionalisms have been revealed. It has been defined that the vocabulary of culinary industry consists of the terms (special lexical units that are used for naming special concepts) as well as the slang and jargon words.
In the process of the research about 300 neologisms selected from a number of electronic culinary dictionaries have been analyzed.
The classification of culinary neologisms has been worked out due to the spheres of their functioning. Ten major theme groups of the culinary neologisms have been singled out: foodstuffs, technologies/methods of preparation, names of dishes and drinks, catering establishments, food consumers, professions of people who work in the sphere of culinary, utensils and kitchen appliances, characteristic of food, diets, places for growing food. Dominating sources and productive ways of creating neologisms in the sphere of culinary have been worked over.
The 3 main sources of the culinary neologisms have been singled out. New vocabulary of the sphere is formed by means of borrowing the lexemes from other systems of terms, like Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Genetics, Pharmacology; by means of creating new terms out of the existing lexemes in the English language; by means of borrowing from other languages: French, Spanish, Italian, etc. The analysis of the sources has demonstrated that the majority of the culinary neologisms are formed by means of the native language material.
The study of the ways of the culinary vocabulary formation has shown that the most productive ways of the new vocabulary of this sphere are: blending, compounding, affixation, abbreviation, and semantic derivation. The less productive way is conversion.
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