The article reguards the issue of the notion "proposition", its structure and the analysis of “ the statement proposition". The analysis of scientific literature has shown that the term "propostion" is perspective for denoting the nominative aspect of the sentence. At the present stage, the term "proposition" is widely used in linguistic science. The term "proposition" was introduced by the american scientist Ch. Fillmore. Since the term was used in logics and it meant a meaningful commonality between the sentence and its possible representation within a particular language. The results of the article show that the proposition is a semantic structure that denotes the situation from a speaker's point of view.
The statement proposition is constructed from elements that denote a phenomenon that forms a link of their interaction. According to V. Shank, conceptualization of the situation is carried out in the form of typical propositional functions. Conceptualization consists of such notions as "the doer of the action" and "the action". The proposition in its broadest sense is the semantic structure of the sentence. In the narrower sense "proposition" is a descriptive conceptual structure that combines the denotative and signicative meaning, abstracted from the modal component.
Besides proposition is a state of the content, which shows the marked fragment of reality, a certain "state of affairs" and characterizes the various ways of its representation. N. Arutyunova defines proposition as a "semantic invariant, common to all members of the modal and communicative paradigms of sentences". P. Susov introduces such notions as an abstract situation, protoposition, logical scheme. The article gives a detailed analysis of the notion "proposition", its development and usage in linguistics.
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