The research paper deals with the question of development of gender studies. It is shown that the gender research is a quite new direction of linguistics but has drawn attention of many scientists already. The question of peculiarities of feminine and masculine communicative behavior is considered in the article. It is proved that the described differences in feminine and masculine behavior are based on physical and psychological differences of representatives of the both genders. The main characteristics of Internet discourse that is considered as a special discourse type are indicated in the article. Especial attention is paid to specific characteristics of German Internet discourse of modernity. It is proved that German Internet discourse is significantly influenced by English Internet discourse and contains a substantial amount of loan words from English. The definition of marriage announcement is given in the article; its main features are pointed out. The analysis of one of the most extraordinary German Internet marriage announcements is provided in the theoretical part of the scientific research. On the grounds of analyzed German Internet marriage announcement some characteristics of masculine personality in German virtual discourse are pointed out. The researched features of masculine German virtual personality allowed us to consider modern masculine stereotypes that are actualized in German Internet marriage discourse. It should be underlined that the stereotypes analyzed in the following research could be considered as a combination of classical masculine stereotypes that are deeply rooted in the modern society and consciousness of the representatives of different cultures, and the new gender stereotypes that become more and more popular and are the combination of feminine and masculine features. The research paper allows to reach the conclusion that the categories “femininity” and “masculinity” change their content and lose their strict borders.
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