Keywords: intensifier, component, lexeme, discourse, semantic meaning, combinability


The tourism discourse has taken a considerable place in the discourse typology with its participants in a myriad of communicative situations and the language used as a particular type focused on the fulfilling multiple functions. The intensifiers used in tourism aim at the adding additional positive components into the neutrally semantic “settlement” nominations in the English advertisement and tourism discourse are under the study. The topicality of the paper is motivated by the necessity of the analysis of the functional semantics of “settlement” nominations intensifiers in advertisement and tourism discourse. Some theoretical notions of advertisement and tourism discourse interpretation are presented in the article. The aim of the investigation is to prove that intensifiers add additional positive components into the semantics and interpretation of the lexemes they combine with. One of the major features of the advertisement and tourism discourse is its vocabulary that along with collage forms the “positive picture” in the recipient’s consciousness. Intensifiers are used in advertisement and tourism discourse to highlight the described object. Intensifiers viewed as semantically insignificant words where emotional meaning dominates over semantic one. The qualitative analysis of the intensifiers of the “settlement” nominations in advertisement and tourism discourse registered the components with high and low usage frequency that allows in future to analyze the lexical-grammatical and lexical-semantic combinability of the intensifiers in discourse. The results of the analysis are presented in the paper. So, lexical intensifiers are focused on the strengthening the lexeme meaning they combine with in discourse and partly lose own semantic meaning. Intensifiers in right and left hand positions in advertisement and tourism discourse aim at the adding the additional positive components into the semantically neutral lexemes that in the discourse intensifies the perception by the participants and allows to fulfill the main function of the discourse.


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