The article is devoted semantic peculiarities of English painting terms. Рainting is the most important part of the people’s culture and their spiritual wealth. Information about the cultural values is recorded and collected through language.
Lexical language system is caused by most categories of material and spiritual world connected with nation. It is noted that the painting terminological vocabulary is enriched by a semantic changes. Terms expand their lexical meaning. Most painting terms preserve their semantics and cognitive potential; some lose their part and get new painting content. The article is concerned with the problem of English borrowings.
The borrowing process is the main way to replenish the term system with new units. Among the one-word terms of painting, depending on the source language, there are native, borrowed, hybrid and mixed terms. We also include in the borrowing group terms formed from foreign-language roots in Ukrainian word-making models. Some of the term elements included in terminology are borrowed words.
Terminological phrases may include components that have the same or different etymology. If it is not a calque, then each of the words to them, except for the repeating elements, is taken into account. The paper is illustrated by multiple examples from the online sources and paper dictionaries.
The article deals with lexical-semantic processes of synonymy, antonymy in terms of painting are one linguistic mechanism. It often happens that the same term in different areas of use has several meanings, but for better understanding of the concept you should be well acquainted with the context. Synonymy phenomenon observed in all subject groups, is caused by the parallel operation of different origin and semantics of terms. As the study has shown the phenomenon of lexical antonymy is less productive in the terminology of painting. Much broader are word-forming antonyms. Common root antonyms are the ones to be anonymized with prefixes of opposite or negative meaning.
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