The article is devoted to the study of the notion of the «propositional function» and its use in modern linguistic researchеs. The article presents the apparatus of the propositional analysis as a kind of the linguistic analysis. The proposition is a generalized diagram of the relation of the predicate and its arguments and is a means of modeling the semantic content of a syntactic unit. The linguistic aspect concerns: the ways of realizing the function f (x, y) and its possible variants by filling its parts with different units of the language, and thus the relations established between the function and the arguments in the case of such filling and, finally, those real languages units, as names, can be formed on the basis of the specification of the propositional function. In the existing versions of “the case grammar” there is no consensus on the issue of the number and nomenclature of the distinguished cases. Their content depends on the chosen concept and purpose of the description, reflects the different ways of separating semantic reality. It should be noted that the set and names of differences of Philmore’s concept itself also changed in the process of theory formation. Initially, the scientist identified six distinctive cases: the agentive, the dative, the instrument, the factitive, the locative, the objective, and later the scientists changed their names: the dative and the factitive to the experiencer and the purpose, respectively. Different numbers and different names can be seen in other researchers works, for example, D. Andersen -4, V.G. Gak - 7, I.P. Susov - 8, V.V. Bogdanov - 14, etc. Despite the lack of the consensus on the set of the case distinctions, it is important that the identification of this distinction serves not only to identify the semantic-syntactic roles involved in the argument proposition, but also to indicate the relationships that combine the function and its arguments.
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