Keywords: mythonym, apperception, metaphorical thinking, onomastics, culturology


The article is devoted to the analysis of established mythonymic collocations, which are examined in a journalistic context. The study aims to establish the etymological features of mythonyms and patterns of their use in the modern context. To achieve this goal are used the empirical method of observing and comparing the contexts of the use of the mythonym and the theoretical method of ascent from the abstract representation of the mythonymic hero to the specific use of the mythonym in the modern context. The paper reveals peculiarities in the etymological features and patterns of use of mythonymic collocations in modern English. During the research, it is defined that mythonyms are the subject of description in linguoculturology, which appears due to the synthesis of linguistics and culturology, which is also due mainly to the establishment of a modern anthropocentric paradigm. The study reveals that the process of using mythonyms in the new context is associated with apperception. The analysis of the examples from sources illustrates that the implementation of the principle of apperception can be traced to the use of mythonyms in modern contexts, when something new - the current situation, is understood through the prism of experience - mythological stories that are cultural memory of society. This leads to the fact that mythonyms appeal to the original contexts, ie ancient myths, to transfer meaning to modern realities. As a result, it was determined that to properly understand the mythonymic comparison, it is necessary to know the origin of the mythonym. Also, the peculiarities of the use of mythonyms in the journalistic context are established, which represent figurative parallels, complex entwinement, and interaction of two contexts, the original ̶ mythical and modern context. This interaction of the two contexts is expressed in the form of the transfer of the name to a new denotation, which occurs due to the actualization of one of the cognitive features of the original name. Thus, mythonyms in the journalistic context find their meaning only when establishing their connection with objects. In conclusion, in the course of the analysis, it is established that mythology has left a significant mark and cultural layer not only in the history of mankind but in language and culture. The study demonstrates the existing tendency in modern language to use mythonyms in political discourse. This can be explained by the fact that the imagery of mythologists leads to the semantic enrichment of language.


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How to Cite
Veremchuk, E. O., & Karasevich, H. O. (2021). MYTHONYMS IN THE CONTEXT OF POLITICAL JOURNALISM OF MODERN ENGLISH LANGUAGE. New Philology, 1(81), 66-72.