The article focuses on translation of transformations as a way to achieve equivalence in translation. Translation of transformations – a change of technical or semantic components of the source text in the translated text while preserving the information intended for transmission. Lexical transformations are deviations from direct vocabulary equivalents and occur mainly because the volume of meanings of lexical units of the source and the language of translation does not match. Lexical transformations include concretization of meanings, generalization of meanings, addition, subtraction and transposition. It is important to translate a lexical element in terms of its contextual connections and functional characteristics. The main causes of lexical transformations, according to T. Levitskaya and A. Fitterman, are different phraseability, different uses of one word, differences in semantic volume and different features of one denotation in different languages. Grammatical transformations consist in transforming the sentence structure in the process of translation in accordance with the norms of the language of translation. English and Ukrainian languages belong to different types of languages of the Indo-European family, so there is a difference between them both at the level of word order in the sentence and in the categories of numbers and other grammatical forms and structures. Internal and external division of a sentence, change of word order and compensation are included to grammatical transformations. The use of lexical and grammatical transformations on the example of the Ukrainian translation of Ian McEwen’s novel “Atonement” is illustrated by means of comparative analysis of the original texts and translation. In the process of translation, the author more often used lexical transformations for better perception and interest of readers, less often – grammatical transformations maintaining consistency in the sentence structure. An important aspect in translation is also that the translator takes into account the individual artistic style of the writer and the cultural characteristics of the addressee of the information.
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