The article deals with phonetic, semasiological and syntactic stylistic figures in the English-language lyrical text of the original, peculiarities of their rendering in the translation into Ukrainian. The article presents the characteristic features of the English-language song, describes; stylistic figures and their features in the original, studies the specifics of the reproduction of phonetic, semasiological and syntactic stylistic figures of the songs of the band “Evanescence” in translation. The case study of the research: five songs and their Ukrainian translations adapted to the original music. It was found out that in the process of analyzing the phonetic characteristics of song texts, one should take into account such components as: sound organization of the artistic text, sound harmony, melodiousness, sound repetitions – alliteration and assonance. These linguistic phenomena are used to create the mood of the song, melody and intensity of expressions, help to slow down or speed up the rhythm. In translation, phonetic means are reproduced by alternative sounds, the function is preserved, the main transformations are generalization, sense development, and holistic transformation. The researched semasiological stylistic figures can be divided into expressive means and stylistic techniques, they are important for individualization and typification, as well as evaluation of reproduction (in particular, epithet) and increase or decrease of expressiveness of expression (hyperbole and litotes). The use of metaphors is important for conveying the meaning of the feelings and image of the characters; they help the author to endow the subject or action with a vivid characteristic. Transformations that are typical: generalization, sense development, replacement of grammatical form, holistic transformation. The syntactic stylistic figures under research can be divided into expressive means (repetition, ellipsis, asyndeton, syntactic tautology, parenthetic constructions, and detached clauses) and stylistic techniques (anaphora, epiphora). The stylistic figures are preserved in translation, thereby not violating the specifics of the song. Transformations that are typical: sense development, holistic transformation.
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