This article seeks universal principles of language worldview design in the process and outcome of non-cognate languages contact. It explores how cultures seek for transparent and communicatively efficient means of information encoding.
Beginning with the discussion of reduplication, its universality and iconic features, the paper goes on to look into the structure and meanings expressed by reduplicated words in the Maori language. It is argued that both transparent and opaque iconic reduplications in Maori agree with the cognitive principle of quantity ‘more form : more meaning’. In stark contrast to the centrality of reduplication in Maori, the English language gives less importance to reduplicated stems. Those do not follow any regular form-meaning patterns but constitute units with syncretic pragmatic and expressive role in discourse. In other words, reduplications in English have pragmatic rather than semantic functions.
Despite the fundamental difference that in the Maori language reduplications have a far wider range of functions and meanings than they do in English, Maori words shaped in that fashion have been eagerly borrowed. The extensive use of reduplication in the situation of non-cognate languages arise from the analytical nature of languages in contact; a universal tendency to achieve clarity of communication by repetition; relatively high linguistic competence of speakers. The abundance of reduplicated Maori bases in New Zealand English is also conditioned by the insufficient cultural competence of the settlers. Thus many Maori loans are reduplicated in New Zealand English and deviate from their original forms which are not and cannot be reduplicated in Maori.
Reduplication is generally regarded as an iconic means of encoding when it expresses a kind of accumulative (intensiveness, gradual increase, collectiveness, etc.) or consecutive (plurality, distribution, broadness, frequency, continuity, reciprocity, etc) meanings. In other cases, it expresses more opaque senses such as diminution in size or importance, completeness of a single action, etc., and is believed to show much less, if any at all, motivation between signans and signatum.
However, these perceptions can turn fallacious due to differences in cultural interpretations of encoded referents. Unawareness of the meanings expressed by reduplication leads to hypercorrection. Reduplication in Maori loans necessitated by lexical gaps is pervasive in New Zealand English.
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