Keywords: synergetic linguistics, self-organization, attractor, repeller, heuristics, conceptual metaphor


The article concerns with studying the role of synergistic tools in linguistics. The significance of this role is subdued to the fact that synergetic linguistics belongs to a new generation of linguistic sciences and is able to meet the challenges of emerging and evolving linguistic objects research, such as discourse and work of speech. The essence of the linguistic paradigms of different generations and the urgency of synergetic paradigm in linguistics, its synthesis with the former approaches to the research has been explained briefly. Currently, the synergistic aspect has already been submitted by quantitative linguistics, linguistic psychology, linguistic philosophy, an attempt to consider a synergistic point of view of different types of discourse has also been made. Self-organization of any object in linguistics is a contradictory process of competition and collaboration between the objectives of creating an object and limitations in its development, or in terms of synergetics – between attractors and repellers. The set of synergetics concepts has been proved to be inevitable in the process of study of the contradictions arising from the new linguistic phenomena, objects, and during their explanation. This set uses the previous scientific understanding of the phenomenon or object, but regroups and renames them in a new way in terms of synergetics in accordance with the process of self-organization. The role of creative concepts and their definitions in linguistic synergetics has been highlighted; it has been shown that they are based on conceptual metaphor. The integrating role of synergetics consists in this new look at the former ideas and their new, sometimes unexpected role in selforganization. The mechanism of self-organization in works of speech and discourse has been briefly outlined in the paper, and the role of heuristics as “an exploratory behavior” of addressee, creating works of speech of different types, has been pointed out. The article discusses the interdisciplinary approach to linguistic issues as “a view from outside” on the objects under study. Systemwide ideas (as far as the objects of linguistics are also systemic), methodological analysis, developed in the advanced sciences, the use of science of heuristics, the study of the dynamics / evolution of linguistic objects, conflicts and competition of their properties, leading to the development of facilities have proved to be fruitful. Also, the problem of understanding in terms of synergetics of mass, random or ordered selection processes, which cause the formation and development of any linguistic object, has been mentioned.


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How to Cite
PIKHTOVNIKOVA, L. S. (2017). HEURISTIC AND INTEGRATING ROLE OF SYNERGETICS IN LINGUISTICS. New Philology, (69), 160-164. Retrieved from http://novafilolohiia.zp.ua/index.php/new-philology/article/view/303