Keywords: term, semantic characteristics, structural analysis, transcoding, equivalent, transposition


The article deals with semantic and structural characteristics of terms in the field of architecture and construction, methods and specifics of their translation from English into Ukrainian. The research provides semantic and structural classification of the English-language terms in the field of architecture and construction, presents methods of their translation from English into Ukrainian. The main thematic groups of terms are defined as follows: terms that nominate architectural styles, building materials and methods, terms for designating patterns and ornaments, technical aspects of construction. The structural analysis showed that the terminology in the field of architecture and construction is formed by: terms words: (simple: non-derived and derived), complex words, abbreviations, word combinations (two-, three-componential), which are formed on the basis of various word-formation models. The largest and most extensive group turned out to be the group of building materials and methods of their processing. It was found that due to the specifics of its development, the terminology of architecture and construction contains a large number of borrowings from Greek, Latin, French, Italian, Spanish and other languages. The main factors influencing the choice of the translation method are the specificity of the field of application, context, structural features of the term, semantic connections between the components in the terms-phrases. The most important stage of translation is finding out the exact meaning of the term, so the translator must be an expert in aspects of architecture and technical details of construction. The specifics of translation also depend on the etymology of the term – borrowings are translated using transcoding: mixed or adaptive transcoding. Translation difficulties are caused by polysemantic vocabulary, as it has different equivalents in related fields. Transcoding techniques (transliteration, adaptive and mixed transcoding), equivalent selection, left-to-right translation, right-to-left translation (transposition), mixed transposition are used when translating architecture and construction terminology.


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How to Cite
Zapolskykh, S. P., & Mosina, E. O. (2022). ENGLISH TERMINOLOGY OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION AND ITS TRANSLATION FROM ENGLISH INTO UKRAINIAN. New Philology, (86), 48-53. https://doi.org/10.26661/2414-1135-2022-86-7