The article is dedicated to linguistic review of the jargonisms in stock exchange lexis whose rapid development is due to vigorously developing of financial markets in Ukraine. As a result the special lexis the vast majority of which are professionals has evolved.
Modern linguistics understood the concept of jargonism as «specific form of language, social dialect that differs from plain language by special lexical composition and phraseology», characterized by unpersistence, rapid alterability, significant synonymy and polysemy. Jargonisms are used by different social, professional groups led by common interest (military or criminal jargon). Stock exchange jargon is spreading in single occupational medium (stock exchange sector) and reflects the existing language realities. Professional language communication includes not only formalized documents circulation but inter-cultural and cross-sectoral linkages with business partners, thereby necessitating professional jargon proficiency.
Metaphorizing is one of the principal modes of English-language stock exchange jargon formation which indicates new phenomenons by existing items and explaines special terms thus giving the language an expressional and emotional coloring.
The factors that had contributed to dissemination of Stock exchange jargon are the following: it’s a power move; it reinforces belonging to certain professional group; it serves as a conspiracy communication; it facilitates communication and mutual understanding; it makes it easier to talk about uncomfortable topics. But only insignificant number of stock exchange jargon words have history of an origin but majority of them has emerged as a result of long terms abbreviation or links with certain associations. The origin of stock exchange jargon words with meaning «money», which are particularly important in stock exchange jargon lexis. It should be noted that that the process of Ukrainian stock exchange terminology formation is going on slowly, mainly through English and Russian borrowings, and number of own stock exchange terminology is insignificant.
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