The article considers the synergetic aspect of creating English detective story. The main concepts and tools of linguosynergetics were presented for the purpose to explain their applying in researching the self-organization sense of detective story. The information-synergetic model of detective story was elaborated. There was shown the traditional account of events which suits to this genre. It includes a moment when a crime was committed and its revelation, also the process of self-organization of information.
The information of crime investigation plays the role of parameter of order which presents the essential weigh to attributes of each version of crime. The information-synergetic model is illustrated by the examples of analysis of detective stories by famous authors. At the same time despite the individual features of stories by various authors the model turns out to be unique.
The synergetic concepts interpret the essential transition in detective stories beginning from the finding out the potential opportunities of committing the crime and also the interest of characters in it as a bifurcation scope of investigation. It was shown that the process of transition happens repeatedly. In synergetics it calls as a hoop of flashback.
The presented synergetic approach about analysis of detective stories is rather unique. It helps to reveal the self-organized circulation of information towards the crime. To find out the truth at first there are several versions, but at the end the only one remains which disclosures the crime. The designed information-synergetic model lets to deal with the research of evolution of concepts of detective stories which are connected with crime versions and their speech realization in texts.
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