The article is devoted to lexicographic semantics of professions in contemporary German language. The concept of «Beruf» is a relatively new entity (17th century). Its nature is dual: sacred-social. The sacredness of Beruf is determined by Christian traditions; sociality is associated with the cultural and historical development of mankind in general and ethnos in particular. The present adds to this concept economic and cultural factor. An economic factor involves industrial relations and material and spiritual values, cultural emphasis on the individual’s education, communication styles, and ability to differentiate the latter. The essence of the nature of Beruf is revealed primarily through work, labour and the field of activity. Functioning of the names of the profession is represented as follows: commonly used vocabulary, terms, historicisms, archaisms, the combination of elements of a particular function, stylistically marked linguistic units. In this case, tokens can be both monosemants and polysemants. Polysemic nominative neutralizes (linguistic, stylistic, communicative, situation-objective, etc.) context.
Social mobility of a person in a society allows her to change her social status, which contributes to the comprehensive development of her abilities. On the other hand, opportunities for implementing these abilities are limited by gender. Under gender we understand the whole set of properties (socio-biological characteristics) of the individual, through which people define the concepts of «man», «woman». The markers of purely «men’s professions» and purely «women’s professions» are highlighted. The markers of the «men’s professions» include the components: -mann, -man, -herr, «women’s professions» contain components -frau, -mädchen. The transformation of the men’s profession into the profession of a woman ensures the suffix of feminine -in. A lexical-semantic classification of the investigated phenomenon is proposed.
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